Cloutace Inc.
Article Writing
700-900 words approx
Please answer the questions below and send us @ info@cloutaceinc.com
1.What’s your background?
2.How long has music been a part of your life?
3. what's your Genre and style of music?
4. If it wasn't for music, where would you be now?
5.How did you come to realise that music was the way forward for you?
6. what/who's your inspiration?
7.What does your work aim to say?
8. Who are your biggest influences?
9.How have you developed your career?
10. what's your achievements?
11. what do you do besides music?
12. How do you seek out opportunities
13. what are your goals in next 1 year?
14. how you are different from others?
15. tell us about your latest Release - song/album